Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Birthday To You

There is one thing and one thing only that announces to
everyone it is time for cake, and it is my birthday. The
words are simple and everyone who can speak English knows
the words, from a toddler to someone who is 100 years old.

Comprised of 4 bars, 16 words each the tune is simple and
the meaning is deep.

Birthday Cake

It is commonplace in the US to celebrate our birthday with
a beautiful and tasty birthday cake. Although the Greeks
were the first to use cakes to celebrate birthdays, they
were commonly used to celebrate the birthdays of gods and

And the inclusion of candles on a birthday cake is also of
Greek origin as the cake to celebrate the birthday of the
Greek moon god Artemis was topped with lit candles.

In the middle ages, the English would conceal symbolic
items inside the cake. Each item was a prediction for the
finder’s future.

Usually items such as gold coins, rings and thimbles were
baked into the cake. The birthday cake made its way to
Western culture in the mid 19th century and has been an
important part of birthday celebrations since.

When cutting into ones birthday cake, there are little
superstitions some people believe. If the knife touches the
bottom, or when pulling the knife from the cake itself
there are pieces of cake stuck to the knife, than the
birthday person must kiss the nearest person of the
opposite sex.

Another belief is when you blow the candles out on your
cake, you are supposed to make a wish. If the candles are
blown out in one blow and the wisher keeps the wish a
secret, then it is believed the wish will come true.

Baby’s First Birthday

In the US, we celebrate birthdays in the grandest ways. We
spend countless amounts of money and time planning and
carrying out these special parties that last just hours.

When we give birth to a new bundle of joy we typically
spend the first year so crazed that it seems only right to
celebrate that special time with a big celebration of
family and friends.

Because a baby’s first birthday is usually a celebration of
friends and family, they tend to be a huge milestone. All
those people who watched mom grow and give birth, then see
how the baby grows throughout the first year now have a
reason to get together to celebrate again.

Teddy Bear Birthday Party Theme

What little girl doesn't have a special spot in her heart for her favorite teddy bear? I know our little angel calls her teddy bear her best friend and loves this bear more than life itself. It has been her constant companion since she was the ripe old age of six weeks old and has calmed her through hurt feelings, nightmares, and new houses, as well as fights with her brother and scolds from mom and dad. Her teddy bear is her friend, protector, defender, and confident. For this reason it should come as no surprise that a favorite birthday party idea for our little girl was a birthday in which bears reigned supreme.

The first thought that many have when it comes to Teddy Bears and a birthday party with Teddy, as its main theme is probably the Build a Bear Workshop or other similar businesses. While these are great for parties and give each girl attending a little something to take home with her, they are also quite expensive. If you want to spend a little less there are plenty of options. If you want to make all of her friends want you as parents, the Build a Bear party plan really is grand. Keep in mind though that if you think she's going to abandon her lifelong companion (unfluffed and coming unstuffed teddy bear numero uno) for the Build a Bear bear think again. She will just now have two bears sharing her nighttime cuddles trust me on this.

Star Wars Birthday Party

Even though there hasn't been a recent film release, Star Wars remains a popular favorite among fans new and old. Kids of all ages from 2 to 52 find the world that was created by Star Wars creator George Lucas to be an infinitely fascinating world in which to allow their imagination and fantasies to take flight in that galaxy far, far away. If your special birthday girl or boy is a fan of these films this is the can't miss party theme to add to your perfect birthday party list.

There are many ways you can go that will bring the theme to light in a way that allows everyone to have fun. First of all, you could have a classic Star Wars event with the original Episodes (IV, V, and VI) showing one after the other throughout the party. This is perfect for an overnight or all day sort of party as it allows breaks in between the showings and plenty of time to incorporate some serious snack making or pizza ordering without interfering with the DVDs being played in the back ground.

Classic Movie Birthday Party Theme

If you are like most adults in the world you search far and wide for a somewhat unique theme for the next great birthday bash. If you are at a bit of a loss this year, how about going with a classic movie theme. You can either choose one movie or let guests come dressed as favorite characters from individual movies and have a hodgepodge collection of music and DVDs available to set the theme for the party. You can also elect to have movie posters from the movie (if going with a specific movie theme) or a variety of great classics if going with the flow and letting everyone become their favorite classic movie characters. If you want to get really creative you can assign characters to guests and make an adventure of having guests try to guess the character and the movie.

The sky is the limit when planning a classic movie birthday party. If you are considering going with one specific movie however, please feel free to select from some of the excellent themes and ideas below.

1) The Godfather. I can't think of a more appropriate birthday party for a good many of the men I know. It's a great classic movie and the guys will have a great time going over their favorite Godfather lines all night. Have some great Italian music, Italian food, and plan for a night of fun. Don't forget to have the movie on hand so that arguments over infamous lines and old scores can be settled.

Camping Birthday Party Ideas

While girls dream of parties with "jammies" and pillow fights little boys often dream of sleepovers that are held beneath the stars. There are many ways this can be incorporated into a birthday theme for your little man's big day. No matter what age, there is something that boys find fascinating about sleeping in the great outdoors and a camping birthday party is a great way to do this, even if the great outdoors go no further than your own back yard.

A favorite theme among those holding camping birthday parties is that of a trail ride. With this you can bring your gear along with you, ride horses, cook, eat, and sleep under the stars. If you don't have a trail ride, horses, or long trails in the wilderness nearby don't despair. With a Dutch oven, an open fire, a few sticks, and little bit of imagination you can have your very own cowboy camp out birthday bash celebration. Don't forget the fixin's for some s'mores while you're making plans and be sure to have a camera handy as you create an unforgettably fun birthday bash and camping party for that special guy in your life. Be sure to include a few tall tales to share around the campfire. Now might be a great time to brush up on your Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill stories.